About Me

This site is a portfolio filled with a few of my past projects. I am just beginning my journey into the Architecture and Construction Management majors. This blog will allow all of my curious followers to keep updated on my progress. Currently all the work available is focused toward Interior Design. In the long run I plan on incorporating Architecture and making it a main highlight in this blog.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Unrecognizable" Quilt Pattern

“Unrecognizable” Quilt Pattern was a fun and intriguing project. It is a design of many different pictures pieced together to become a decorative quilt. There is a catch, each picture put into place in this creative puzzle used to be something completely different. If you look closely you may be able to tell what the picture began as, I highly doubt that however. One picture used to be a waterfall and rocks, another a forest and another a galaxy. The title is Unrecognizable; see if you can figure out what each was originally.

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